Crosse-Tales's avatar


23 Watchers0 Deviations
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Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • July 18
  • United States
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (32)

Favourite Movies
Tremors, I Am Legend, The Transformers (1986), The Mist, Etc.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
There are quite a few!
Favourite Games
Castlevania, Resident Evil 4, Haunting Ground, Dark Cloud, Etc.
Favourite Gaming Platform
X-Box, PS2, PSP
Tools of the Trade
A mechanical pencil!
Other Interests
Transformers, Art, Literature, Music
Unfortunately this account is going to become inactive entirely now. I suppose most likely seen it coming a mile away! I haven't been posting or even logging on much at all in a long while, and really the account makes me somewhat... nervous. I suppose. So I've decided to leave this account all together now. I'm going to leave it as it is as I do have a few deviations in storage here I may need sometime in the future, so if you want to talk to me go on ahead and comment! I'll check back every now and again to check in and see if I have any messages! It was fun while it lasted, though. c: Thanks for all who stuck around with me through the ...
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Do you think the SOPA/PIPA bill will pass?

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Profile Comments 494

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Hey girl!  How've ya been Crys?

Heyy! I've been alright, I suppose. How about you?

Could be better.  You would never believe me if I told you who I have a crush on now that I am older.  How's your mom and sisters?

Ahh, is something the matter? Ohh, well I'll believe anything. People change! Who is it?

They're all doing pretty alright, I suppose. As well off as they can be. April got married a little while ago, she has a kid now, and another on the way! How about on your side?
long time no see!
Heeyyy Wolfy! Sorry it took me a while to reply, I don't check dA all that often anymore. But yeah! It's been about a year or two now, hasn't it? XD How are you doing?
happy birthday lil buddy! :D