Medic RedheartCrombieTTW on DeviantArt

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CrombieTTW's avatar

Medic Redheart



This was suggested to me by :iconrainbowsandsparkles: . Kind of liked the idea, so I decided to go through with it.

Anyway, MvM has been out for a few days and I have a had a blast playing it. Though, the first day it was out me and my gaming buds were in queue for like 30 minutes. I actually had time to make a fresh batch of guacamole. (Not joking, I actually left my computer while in queue, cut up some avocados, peeled them, and everything else that goes into making guacamole, came back and still not in game.)
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CartoonFanBoy1991's avatar
Redheart is so cute wearing that outfit with leather gloves.