Eclipse Migration and other announcements

2 min read

Deviation Actions

Evoloons's avatar

Hello loonatics!

I have a few reminders for the end of melamalgam season and a few other announcements.

Deadline Reminders

The Operation Starfruit event is coming to a close in just a few days, it closes when it is no longer March anywhere in the world. (11:59PM IDLW, March 31st) It’s time to wrap up any artwork/literature you have for the event and get those last minute rewards!

The Melanoid / Amalgam Season does not close at the same time as the event does. You will have a little under a week to use any eggs you earn from the event. The seasons officially close when it is no longer April 6th anywhere in the world. (11:59PM IDLW, April 6th)

Please get your evoloons submitted for approval before the deadline.

If you need to buy or trade any hatching items from Town Square to be used while the season is still active, please make your transactions by April 4th at the latest! Any transactions made after that date are not guaranteed to be processed in time.

Temporary Closes

ALL evoloon approvals will close along with the end of Melanoid / Amalgam season. Evoloons only need to be submitted for approval before the seasons end, you will still be allowed to make any necessary edits to evoloons after the deadline. Regular approvals will reopen on May 1st at the latest. We may reopen sooner than that but it is not guaranteed.

Sometime during the break the Town Square will be closed for remodeling. An announcement will be made 24 hours before it closes.

Eclipse Migration

As you may have seen, groups are being migrated to match the DeviantArt Eclipse format. Our group could be migrated at any second now. After the migration our group page is going to be functional but ugly for a bit. We will work on getting the front page fixed up after we finish approving all of your evoloons.
I don't anticipate having to close any group functions while we get everything sorted, but if that does happen we will make another announcement stating so. Thanks for your patience while we work on it!

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Stygma's avatar

I might be able to show myself in July (my vacations) if you need some help with the migration :)

But I'll need to catch up with DA first :D