Favourite Visual Artist
Geoff Darrow, Alex Maleev, Victor Antonov, Rapheal, Rembrandt, Van Gogh
Favourite Movies
Second-Hand Lions
Favourite TV Shows
Fringe, Firefly, Stargate Universe, Invader ZIM
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Rob Dougan, Innerpartysystem, Akira Yamaoka, Junkie XL, Enigma
Favourite Books
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 3001: Final Odyssey, Myst: Book of Atrus, Master's of Doom
Favourite Writers
Not yet sure ....
Favourite Games
Deus Ex, TF2, Final Fantasy 7 & 12, Guild Wars 2, Arcanum, The Journeryman Project TURBO
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Wacom, pencils, paper, and EXPLOSIONS!!!
Other Interests
Art, Videogames, Explosions, Robots...