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Danger Girl Army of Darkness



Danger Girl Army of Darkness Page #12

Writer: Andy Hartnell
Penciller/Inker: Chris Bolson

- Abbey Chase, the world's most daring adventuress, returns to action as she aims to recover a dark and mysterious piece of ancient history. When Abbey learns that the elusive Book of the Dead has resurfaced and fallen into nefarious hands, she and the Danger Girls embark on a mission to track down the powerful tome. But when their journey leads them to cross paths with another seeking the book - a man with a personal vendetta and a literal hand in the book's sordid history - they find themselves spiraling through the most outrageous and sure-to-be-talked-about cross-over event of the year! Don't miss Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness #1 coming up in April 2011! Featuring the first epic cross-over between Dynamite Entertainment and IDW Publishing! Written by Danger Girl co-creator Andy Hartnell and drawn by Red Sonja's Chris Bolson, featuring covers by Danger Girl co-creator and legendary comics favorite J. Scott Campbell, as well as Nick Bradshaw!

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1050x1594px 348.29 KB
© 2011 - 2024 crisbolson
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wagnelias's avatar
a riqueza de detalhes faz a diferença. não sei se vou chegar a esse nível um dia.