The WoW MemeCrimsonViper38 on DeviantArt

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The WoW Meme



For my fellow World of Warcraft addicts. This game makes me do crazy things, like memes.
I was attempting DarkshireWarlock's version, but got frustrated with the layout. So, I made my own.

It's a bigish file, I sure hope you like it. Give it a try, and If you have a suggestion I'd be willing to update. :)

[EDIT #2] Thank you all for doing this! It's really fun to see what people come up with! (Remember to hit the "Download" button for a higher rez version than full view)

Completed Memes (+500 rep):

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[EDIT #3] It has gotten to the point where I simply cannot keep up with all the completed memes. You're best bet is to link it here, and to tag it with "World of Warcraft Meme" or "WoW Meme". I'll keep trying to fave each one I find! Kudos to you all for sharing and making this successful!

Don't forget to tell/tag your friends! LFM
Also, It'd be easier for me to link your versions to everyone it you let me know in the comments ;)
Image size
1143x7259px 2.15 MB
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