Queen of Your HeartCrimsonCobwebs on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/crimsoncobwebs/art/Queen-of-Your-Heart-177662971CrimsonCobwebs

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Queen of Your Heart



Done for the 'I Spy Vanessa Lake' contest. [link] I wanted to do something bright, playful and alluring, because I think that represents Vanessa best.

I've never entered a contest before but I :heart: Vanessa, so I couldn't really refuse (plus I can't resist drawing redheads). So I drew her as the Queen of Hearts :heart: Almost didn't include her tattoos BUT that's part of the reason I became a fan; I just couldn't leave 'em out.


Oh, texture overload lol. Most are from: [link]
Vanessa's page: [link]
Image size
1435x2238px 3.09 MB
© 2010 - 2025 CrimsonCobwebs
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LovablyAwkward's avatar
The ax in the back slightly shocked me!! Nice work!!