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He Broke the Bar



All Glory Goes to God the creator and savior!

This piece is dedicated to Jesus Christ. Though he never broke under the immense pressure he did break the bar. The bar that was set to where you had to be to get into Heaven. The utter perfection that no mere Mortal could ever achieve. The bar an effective blockade for us into Heaven. He took that bar and broke it and made it so that all you have to do to get into Heaven is ask to and want to. To try your best to follow him and be like him and understand that you can never be that good and realize that even when you fail to be perfect you are forgiven and that you need not to feel guilty. Guilt upon a Christian is of the devil. You repent and know that God forgives you. You try not to do it again and are sorry you need to not feel guilty after that because it puts a wedge between you and God. No one can be perfect.

Raise the Bar by CRGPhotographyEverywhere by CRGPhotographyA Rae of Sunshine by CRGPhotographyNo Way by CRGPhotographyThe Mother to Be II by CRGPhotography

This is a Carolina Chickadee. In the past I mistook them as Black Capped Chickadee as they are very similar only a few shades different on the coffee like colors on the sides of their chest are the difference.

Taken in Chippewa County Wisconsin by me with my Nikon Cool Pix L820 Summer 2014.

Thank you in advance for all favorites, comments and watches. I wish I had the time to thank each and every one of you but the only way I have time to make art and show it is to put the thank yous in the description. I instead find it better suited to try and have conversations with as many of you as I possibly can. If you're a watcher feel free to send me a note with some suggestions for future features. You can send me a few of yours, a few of your friends, or a few of underappreciated artists. I really love to find new underappreciated artists.

Critique's are encouraged :D (Big Grin)

You may use this image to create your own deviations as long as it is non graphic, and non-profit and you link me to this. That means you can use this image for commercial work aslong as you are a charity or the money goes to charity.
Image size
4320x3456px 5.26 MB
Shutter Speed
1/125 second
ISO Speed
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