Temple Sacrificecreativeguy59 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/creativeguy59/art/Temple-Sacrifice-165086756creativeguy59

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creativeguy59's avatar

Temple Sacrifice



So I have had this concept or storyline in my head for a bit about a Temple to some deity that requires sacrifices, in this case turning people into golden or otherwise statues. I can't put the full concept here until I write the general story which I hope to post along with a few more image sets.

This was pretty complicated and it was an opportunity to adjust a lot of lighting settings with the layers. The golden statues in particular required a lot of finagling to get them close to the "gold" I was after.

I have to thank the following who I used stock from:

Center Priestess Statue (Amor_Fati_Stock)
Left and Right Priestess Statues (BlooDoveStock)
The Sacrifice (rammkitty-stock)
Alter Relief (FantasyStock)

The rest of the stock was either public domain or stock Ive bought over the last few months.

I hope to do more around this and other concepts I have been sketching out offline.
Image size
2128x1200px 1.03 MB
© 2010 - 2025 creativeguy59
anonymous's avatar
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this si great, but curious, how do you turn the models to statues? (in photoshop, ive wanted to learn, but cant find anyone to tech me)