Awesome more featurings*comment*
I love this so much
Deviation Actions
CI monthly feature closed
One deviation per member. Just leave a thumbnail of your work here.
The journal will be posted on the 2nd of February.
No sketches, WIPs, or works that break the site's rules
please do not use big thumbnail :bigthumbxxxxxx: code when posting your thumbnail
here is a reminder about CI Icon contest 2015 are you p...
Yes I will make one for more entries
no sorry I can't join this contest
wait a icon contest?
information about the contest can be found here
you have till Monday, January 19 to enter
you can put your entry inside this folder
CI monthly feature full
One deviation per member. Just leave a thumbnail of your work here.
The journal will be posted on the 1st of January.
No sketches, WIPs, or works that break the site's rules.
please do not use big thumbnail :bigthumbxxxxxx: code when posting your thumbnail.
Note: sorry this poll is late so busy with work at the moment