Siblings sketchesCrazyPamela on DeviantArt

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Siblings sketches


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Alright, so originally this was meant to be nothing more but sketches.

but slowly I started to add dialogue and basically I have made a very sloppy comic pages.

They are nothing more but rough ideas.

So these characters are related to each other.

They are old fan characters and I had only redesigned Onyx and Flint.

While Maiingan is the only one that didn't really go through a redesign, just a slight colour change in the clothes.

I was having fun with it and yeah. I don't have a story for them yet. I plan on working on something with them in the future, so I can practice making a comic pages with them and hopefully work on my story writing skills too.

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3840x2160px 8.59 MB
© 2024 - 2025 CrazyPamela
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