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Since it's still spooky month, how about a look at another Super Rodent Squad villain that has some spooky powers?
After the defeat of Emperor Licorice, the next arrival of the Great Comet would grant some critters strange abilities... and create a little baby flying squirrel. Finding this little comet-born girl and calling her Serena, the Jackalope decided to raise her and train her in the powers she developed: Song Magic.
With a song, she could make plants grow, soothe an anguished soul, light a fire, and more. She had a beautiful voice that all wanted to hear, though she hated singing for an audience. She preferred just singing for her papa and using it to command the world around her.
She had interest in the dark and creepy, and one of her favorite things to do with her voice was summon ghosts, especially of curious giant beasts unlike the ones she knew. She'd soon learn that they were the giants that were slain by Licorice. Fascinated by these long gone creatures, she experimented with the spirits and their abilities, and made them her attack dogs.
As she grew older, Serena was growing more and more arrogant about her powers, and came to resent those pitiful common critters that would get snatched up by birds or snakes if it weren't for the supercritters. She never understood what Jack saw in the common folk, she just saw worthless pests. Day by day, she'd tire of seeing someone too stupid to even open a jar, and look the other way if they fell into misfortune. She preferred to talk with other supercritters who would get the frustration of looking after the weaklings, and dismissed their labors on their farms, mines, and shops as unimportant compared to their cosmic gifts. As one created by the comet instead of the old-fashioned way, she fancied herself a divine being that had every right to pass judgement on normal critters.
This led to a divide between her and Jack (who grew up on a farm in a community of normal critters), especially when Serena began bullying the common folk. He tried his hardest to sway her, highlighting that growing food and building and maintaining towns was important and those people deserved respect. But, alas, she kept on persecuting them behind his back, up to the point where one town had enough and attempted to fight back.
She retaliated with a stampede of her giant ghosts.
Jack was furious when he found out. This led to a confrontation, which led to a fierce duel, which Jack won easily. However, he hesitated in removing her powers, because that was still his adoptive daughter. That allowed her to escape, and she took a faction of supercritters who agreed with her and fled into the wilderness.
Serena disowned her adoptive father, and renamed herself Syren. With her survival of the fittest mindset, she's determined that the supercritters will reign supreme. Every time the Great Comet comes around, she's determined to snatch any baby born from it--succeeding only half the time, because if the Jackalope gets it first, he will not let her go anywhere near it.
In the present day, Syren sees the Super Rodent Squad form. Disgusted by this, she came to town to try to persuade them to give up their foolish aspirations for heroism. After all, they are blessed, and the weak don't deserve their altruism.
They don't listen. So, naturally, they fight.