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Cheesy Birthday Boy



Mm, yeah, I'm lazy and went with Weird Al's birthday as Cheese Sandwich's birthday, despite the fact that I draw a line between voice actor and character.

So, if he always wanted something Nightmare Night related for his birthday celebration, why didn't he have one? Well, A)his mom's a wet blanket, B)his grandparents, the ones who usually give him a birthday party, couldn't really do more than a pizza party at their pizzeria, and C)he's usually busy throwing Nightmare Night parties for other ponies, so he ends up forgetting his own birthday. Pinkie's more than happy to throw him a birthday party; because even party ponies should have a nice birthday. 

She's going to drag him into a Nightmare Night party in the other room, and Cheesy's gonna have fun being a pirate. 

MLP (c) Hasbro
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Toon92's avatar
Marry that mare, Cheese! Marry her!