Deinonychus antirrhopuscrazyhorse42 on DeviantArt

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crazyhorse42's avatar

Deinonychus antirrhopus



This is part of picture set
I participate in competetion of Charles University in Prag. Scientific illustration discipline with this [link]

I want to ask you to go there and vote for me by clicking the GREEN THUMP UP. (not the blue...that is there for nothing). The compettetion is like half done by some panel of scientist or whatever. And half depends on interet rating. But the internet part turn to be total bullshit :) (just look what is on first possition right now) but well, I must play with that how it is. So I will realy appreciate when you help push my piece on higher possition on the list. Thanx :)

a yeah...translation of description of my picture:
Deinonychus antirrhopus
quite outdated visualisation of this reptile(bird ?) which ignore the latest findings by which feathering of the body seems to be verry probable. It is set of illustrattions which show diferences between interpretation of paleolitic findings, but the feathered set is not ready yet.
Image size
1280x922px 199.76 KB
© 2012 - 2024 crazyhorse42
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StarryCiocirlan's avatar

In late 80's-early 90's it was called as V. antirrhopus and that's why they named it as velociraptor for jurassic park movies (because of the more dramatic names)