I've done a lot of sketches lately. and I am posting them on my blog. Check it out if you want to see the pre-vector version: http://busycqcat.blogspot.com/
You True Blood fans, check out the site takeovers my company did! I worked many late nights but totally worth it!You can choose your color and it changes everything!http://www.ew.com/ew/http://www.ology.com/Happy Friday!
Hello all. I haven't updated my journal for a while, been super busy.I recently entered into a dA contest: Starbucks Frappuccino Contest and made into the semi-finalists. My entry is called Happiness in a Cup: http://cqcat.deviantart.com/art/Happiness-in-a-Cup-213120634
You can also check out all the semi-finalists here:http://news.deviantart.com/article/154022/Also, for those of you who live in LA. I am going to be in a group show called Creative LA sponsored by deviantART this Sunday. I have a few pieces showing there and all proceeds will go to charity! If you are free and would like to come out and check it out, here is more info on th...