Unified Color Palette TutorialCpresti on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cpresti/art/Unified-Color-Palette-Tutorial-290073389Cpresti

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Unified Color Palette Tutorial



A tutorial on how to make a unified color palette, aka how to make colors look good next to each other. Not a lot of people understand how color works, and while this isn't the end-all be-all, it certainly helps when you're stuck.

Thanks for looking! :D
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720x2728px 1.33 MB
© 2012 - 2025 Cpresti
anonymous's avatar
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So awesome.  I've actually done this from time on my own (adding orange or yellow to all colors to unify), but I never realised the full potential until I saw Kenny Harris' paintings and he mentioned it somewhere; so I had to look up what a unified pallet was.  Since he's one of my favorite artists and the impact is so obvious in his work I'll definitely be using this technique from now on.