
5 min read

Deviation Actions

CourtOfEsprits's avatar
Buying a design means that you are adhering to the terms of service for the Esprit community.

We also ask that you please check the artist's terms as well and follow those as they can vary, each guest design may or may not come with an additional set of rules that should be honored if you purchase from them.

Resales and Trades

f2u sprout icon by plushponThe adopt must be sold for the price purchased unless bought art can be added to the overall value.
f2u sprout icon by plushponVouchers are allowed, but must equal the value of the original sale, it may include art you have purchased yourself as well.
f2u sprout icon by plushponGifts are allowed, but gifted designs lose all monetary value and should not be resold or vouchered.
f2u sprout icon by plushponDo not include gifted art, traded art, or base maker art into the value of the design.
f2u sprout icon by plushponAll designs should include the original adopt file, even if the design has been edited, as a way to prove authenticity of the adopt.


f2u sprout icon by plushponOnce traded/sold/vouchered the design is no longer yours, please do not harass the new owner.
f2u sprout icon by plushponPlease do not harass owners of adopts you want asking for trades if they have not expressed interest in trading or selling their designs. Adopts are not public property.
f2u sprout icon by plushponCo-owning can be allowed, however I will only acknowledge one owner. The master list should reflect who the sole owner is.

Crediting on toyhou.se should be in the following format, displaying the group as the creator:

Creator: www.deviantart.com/courtofespr…
Designer: hexen-breaker (or the mod/guest artist who made the design)
Creator: Astronym
Designer: cindyjeans (or the mod/guest artist who made the design)


f2u sprout icon by plushponI do not allow commercial rights for my designs, the species are not allowed to be produced in any way for profit via merchandising.
f2u sprout icon by plushponI do allow species specific your-character-here to be sold, as well as people offering customs for myo slots that have been purchased.


[full editing guide: DESIGN EDITING GUIDE ]

  • Edit minor details/change palette slightly - but the design must remain recognizable.
  • Give them a name, story, personality, relationships, choose/change gender, etc

  • Change an original species into another closed species.
  • Change the species/design parameters of the Esprit closed species.
  • Alter the color palette or clothing style to something that no longer resembles the original design. (Alternate outfits are okay, but please do not change the original file.)


Please have all public images watermarked to avoid theft.


f2u sprout icon by plushponBreaking any of the rules and refusing to comply to them after multiple warnings will result in a moderator reporting you and/or blacklisting you from future Esprit sales.

[Public Blacklist]
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