Tutorial - Fractal StarsCosmic-Cuttlefish on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cosmic-cuttlefish/art/Tutorial-Fractal-Stars-315456570Cosmic-Cuttlefish

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Tutorial - Fractal Stars

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Take a look at:
Seeing Stars by ~jim88bro
floating star... by *FeliFee
Promised stars and Flower by ~tetriarch
Treasure by ~Ruiorven
Eagle's Landing by ~Illusionaria


Edit: In order to use this tutorial in Apophysis 7X, you will first need to download ~Zueuk's Old Variation Plugins, collected together and uploaded by ~morphapoph. I put a note in the introduction to clarify this.


By using this technique, you can make the star shapes as seen in Glow in the Dark, Celestial Vault, Stars and Stripes and Pentangle. This tutorial explains how to make them, as well as how to incorporate them into a simple Julia pattern. There are many other possibilities, however, so experimentation is important.

As with my previous tutorials, I've skipped a few of the intermediate stages, such as how to duplicate transforms, so the tutorial relies on a familiarity with the transform editor.

Tell me if you have any problems, and if you make anything with this tutorial, let me know so that I can include a link in the description. Enjoy!
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Holmes-JA's avatar
Thanks for the tutorial! I had a go, here's the link: fav.me/db0t6gb