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Lazy U Motel



I meant to get a shot of this place in the winter of 2009-2010 when I was hauling beets down in Nebraska. I finally got a shot of the Lazy U Motel in Broadwater, Nebraska last summer.

You can't miss this place as it sits right along highway 26. It is painted in wild, eye catching colors. The motel is no longer in business and hasn't been for some years. I do remember it being open when I was a kid, but when exactly it closed I don't know. All the doors to the rooms are wired shut. Amazingly all the windows are still intact probably beacuse it sits on a well traveled highway and the local police are constantly on patrol.

The wall air conditioner in the far east room has fallen out of the wall--I have a pic of that unit too ;) and that is what originally made me want to do a shoot there--the fact that it is slowly falling apart. These places are a piece of my childhood and they are fading into collapse and decay. Kind of like me (and us) in a way.

The small town 60 miles west of Broadwater where I grew up was alive, but dying when I left 25+ years ago is now dead. It makes me a little sad even though I'd never live there today.

Thanks for reading and looking. I appreciate it :thanks:
Image size
4216x2780px 3.19 MB
Shutter Speed
1/400 second
Focal Length
28 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jul 12, 2010, 9:20:59 PM
© 2011 - 2024 Corvidae65
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erene's avatar
Fantastic shot!