I'll explain why I'm putting this kinda rant here: until two months ago, I had a computer that bugged every time I tried to install the locale, didn't unzip kana-encoded VBs properly, all that crap. I know a lot of other people who are passing through the same problem ( and are two people I can think on the top of my head that complained about being unable to use kana banks due to software problems). I'll list the resons on why you should make a romaji VB and why kana VCV and romaji VCV won't make an ounce of difference.
1. More people are capable to use romaji than kana
Seriously. Not all computers run kana, but ALL computers run romaji, and as far as I'm concerned, ALL Japaese users can use romaji filenames on UTAU. Or else, they couldn't not only not use Ruko's English VB, but not be able to see most of the internet, because it's, guess what, written in roman letters.
2. If you don't know kana, you /will/ mess up
Before someone comes to me and says that you need to know Japanese to use UTAU... Not really. Most of UTAU is translated, and only really advanced features are in Japanese. Also, with the increase of English VBs, you can see why it's optional. What's necessary to know when you do a Japanese-oriented voicebank is the pronouncing.
3. You are not Japanese, nor live in Japan.
So, unless you live in China or Korea (since the CJK pack is usually in a grouped bunch), there's a chance that there are people whose computers won't be able to run kana filenames in your very own country.
4. "But most USTs are in kana!!1!11" No buts, I'll explain.
There's a function in the oto.ini (that you'll HAVE to learn how to configure or ask someone to do so for you, since oto.ini is very necessary to UTAU) called Alias. In that function, you'll put an alternate name for the note, just so UTAU can read both in the filenames and the specified names in the aliases. USTs in kana are usually easier for the UST maker to apply crossfade in the vowels, but romaji ones work just fine; you'd just have to put crossfading in each vowel instead of the entire UST, to avoid "na", "ni", "nu", "ne", "no" (and "wa", if you're like me and put "wo" in the crossfading options) to be crossfaded as well. BTW, speaking of aliases takes me to...
5. VCVs don't make an ounce of difference on how they're named, better name in romaji.
"But why are you saying that? Everyone told me that it must be in kana and that I must steal an oto from an UTAUloid with the same reclist!" WRONG. JUST WRONG. Even though people /might/ base their VCV otos out of other people's otos, if you steal them, you will mess up, for the simple reason that no two people pronounce things in exactly the same accent and length. Sometimes, the numerical values in overlap, preutterance and consonants are completely different from the original, just because it's impossible for you to pronounce precisely like the voicer from that UTAUloid whose oto you stole. It's better to program the VCV otos by yourself, or ask someone who can program it. And again we come to the alias. It's not important to name the fie in itself on the VCV, but to name the aliases. And taking in consideration you are going to do it for both kana and romaji, better just name the files in romaji, for a more ample use. Stealing is wrong in any way, shape or form. It also makes your VCVs sound slurry and weird.
Now that I finished my rant of sorts, I ask... Better, IMPLORE you to avoid naming your UTAUloid's sound files as kana as much as you can. A lot of people might want to use them and not be able to do so, you know. And yes, shift arrows count, too. Name with + or - as the suffix, if you want to make octave shifts.
Have a nice day.
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Meme thingy
Got tagged by :iconherr-nightmare: and :iconxchasingfirefliesx:. You two... :/Rules:
1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately have to tag 11 people.11 things about me-1. I'm left-handed.2. I'm overweight.3....
Making OC meme again (this time with Moritake)
1) Choose one of your own characters (OC).
2) Make them answer the following questions.
3) Then tag three people.
4) Feel free to add some questions of your own.This time, it's with Moritake =w= He'll be sweet, I promise (not).1) What gender are you?
I'm male.2) What is your age?
28. I'm kinda stuck at that age, though, ehehe... ^^;3) Do you want a hug?
I don't mind it. Just don't get too intimate. And let me inspect you for any possible weapons you might be hiding.4) Do you have any bad habits?
Hmm... I tend to get angry or frustrated over things I shouldn't be... And I tend to create pet experiments that might or not be dangerous to be l...
OC Meme
Tagged by :iconCroceSorriso: , erm, I mean, Wakana-chan ^w^Hello, my name is Enbukyoku Aline. Pleased to meet you ;u;1) What gender are you?
I'm female, or at least I was, last time I checked. :n:T3) Do you want a hug?
Always! It's a good thing to hug loved ones >ww////:U But as far as I know, I haven't killed anyone D: I mean, I've always seen the people I bricked alive again... Unless they're clones ;A;9) Do you hate anyone?
Actually... A lot of people. *Takes huge blacklist* Where should I start? Nevermind, I'm not going to say it ^w^ *Stores it back in her backpack*10) Do you have any secrets?
If I said I did, they wouldn't be so secre...
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Funnily enough, I'm not doing romaji aliases for Hana's VCV even though the files themselves are in romaji - the aliases will ALL be in hiragana. This is mainly due to laziness on my part.
However, it's insanely easy to make a romaji alias oto from Hana's oto - just run it through a converter. It's perfectly fine to do that with hiragana -> romaji (the other way around is the hard part).
But I've always made it a point for her CV to be in romaji with hiragana aliases.
Any other CV languages can't even use non-kana (as much as I'd LOVE to make a han'geul aliased Korean bank).
Funnily enough, I'm not doing romaji aliases for Hana's VCV even though the files themselves are in romaji - the aliases will ALL be in hiragana. This is mainly due to laziness on my part.
However, it's insanely easy to make a romaji alias oto from Hana's oto - just run it through a converter. It's perfectly fine to do that with hiragana -> romaji (the other way around is the hard part).
But I've always made it a point for her CV to be in romaji with hiragana aliases.
Any other CV languages can't even use non-kana (as much as I'd LOVE to make a han'geul aliased Korean bank).