The Irreparable Curiosity - briar roseCorneliaGillmann on DeviantArt

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May 1, 2017
The Irreparable Curiosity - briar rose by CorneliaGillmann a stunning fairytale inspired concept that has been beautifully well executed and thought through.
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The Irreparable Curiosity - briar rose



First picture of the new photo series inspired by the fairy tale: "Briar Rose" or also known as "Sleeping Beauty".
The second tale for my "Luftschlösser" photo project.

Every decision you make can be life changing! You decide if you want to risk everything.
Don't be afraid! It may be tough, but it might actually be for the better.
Sometimes you have to get stung, to realize what you are truly longing for.

This has been one of my absolute favorite stories ever since I was a child.
I love everything about it. The tragic and the beauty at the same time.
I always felt an inner bond to it and somehow I recognize myself in it.

More pictures will follow soon! So stay tuned. :) 

Photo, Costume & Concept: by me - CorneliaGillmann
Model: sabakunoai from Itazura
Make Up: Hope Cosplay & Make Up
Assist: Zero-Hyuga and Treye Photography

Visit me on Facebook too: Cornelia Gillmann Photography
Image size
5616x3744px 7.36 MB
Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Shutter Speed
1/125 second
Focal Length
15 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Apr 1, 2017, 3:58:03 PM
Sensor Size
© 2017 - 2025 CorneliaGillmann
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