Splatter Brushescorelila on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/corelila/art/Splatter-Brushes-60718934corelila

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Splatter Brushes



Guess what, everyone? These brushes are now available for free once again. I am happy to report that I am now earning a stable, sustainable level of income from my art, and that means I am able to bring them back for free. I love my DA people, this is the first place I ever published my work on the internet and now it's my job. In many ways, without Deviantart, the incredible community here, and the many things I have learned while here, I would never be here. So thank you all! 


Enjoy, everybody! If you want more brushes, you can also find them on my website. 


I made these brushes when I was 14, in 2007. Since then, all together, my brushes have been downloaded 346 thousand times. That's incredible and I love you guys for it. It's been such a great experience to watch you guys make this work your own.

However, now that i'm in college, I have rent to worry about, and I need all of your help. I need to start selling my brushes.

This is my Etsy shop:
Don't be put off by the prices, I've got a deal for all you wonderful deviantart peeps. Use the coupon code MYDEARFRIENDS to get a set for 75 cents. That's with free license to use them commercially. I wish I could make them cheaper, but because I lose 20 cents with each sale, I really can't.

Or you could just download them with points, here on DA!

The news isn't all bad though! I'm going to start making brushes again, and if they make enough money, I'll put the free ones back up on Deviantart again. I would really love to do that. I think it's atrocious that we live in a society that values money over art. I want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.


Well, guys, this is it. My first photoshop brush set. *gulps, looks out at audience who are looking incredulous* And, it consists of eleven true brushes, and, of course, my signature brush. For these, I dont ask anything of you to use them, except: Enjoy them. Maybe in the future I'll ask for a comment, but for now, just have fun experimenting with them!

And, a warning: These brushes are HUUUGGGEE!!! I like them that way, because I do things big. :)

Holy crap. Look at all the favorites.
I have more brushes.... and since you guys probably typed in splatter brushes and looked at the most popular ones, I'm going to link to some of my less popular stuff.

for people with versions of ps older than CS2 who want to use these: corelila.deviantart.com/art/Sp…
for people with a need for some rough textures for dirt, backgrounds, whatever: corelila.deviantart.com/art/Ro…
for people who need something just plain old random and unique: corelila.deviantart.com/art/In…
for people who just want more splatters: corelila.deviantart.com/art/Ne…

I may make more, and I'm sorry if I dont respond to some of your comments. I get a lot of them.
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Thank you so much!