Happy Birthday Kuchi! (OPEN)CopiaNinjaKakashi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/copianinjakakashi/art/Happy-Birthday-Kuchi-OPEN-956605803CopiaNinjaKakashi

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Happy Birthday Kuchi! (OPEN)




Birthday clutch for a dear friend <3

Payment methods:

I list payment options in points because it is easier, but I currently also accept OOS items and Re-Traces as part of the payment!

I'm always happy to buy back clutch Pokemon if you don't want them anymore!

All of them start at level 4 (fb, bg)

Clutch w/ TheLovelessKitsune

Base Attack: 14
Clutch ID: 27651
Mom: Almira

Dad: Sobek

1. Nidoran - Morph/Shiny/Dragon/Bug Fusion - Female - Gifted to Kuchiyami <3 sent

Clutch w/ Kuchiyami

Base Attack: 13
Clutch ID: 27649
Mom: Cinderheart the Crimson

Dad: Trafford

2. Carvanha - Poison Fusion - Male - OPEN 150

3. Larvitar - Shiny/Fire Fusion - Female - CLOSED 250 @lollypopcandy2 sent

Clutch w/ TheLovelessKitsune

Base Attack: 10
Clutch ID: 27759
Mom: Merlina

Dad: Vidhut

4. Teddiursa/Bombirdier - Morph/Cross - Female - Traded Sarahostervig  sent

5. Varoom - Morph - Female - Gifted to Kuchiyami  sent

Clutch w/ TheLovelessKitsune

Base Attack: 15
Clutch ID: 27756
Mom: Evie

Dad: Wiggles

6. Wooloo/Greavard - Cross - Male - Gifted to Kuchiyami  sent

7. Weedle/Greavard - Shiny/Cross - Female - OPEN 250

8. Wooloo/Bramblin - Cross - Female - Gifted to Kuchiyami sent

9. Electrike/Weedle - Shiny/Cross - Male - Traded Sarahostervig sent

Clutch w/ TheLovelessKitsune

Base Attack: 21
Clutch ID: 27777
Mom: Erato

Dad: Edule

10. Smoliv - Morph - Male - Gifted to Kuchiyami sent

11. Meowth/Smoliv - Cross - Female - MINE <3 sent

12. Phantump/Meowth - Cross - Male - CLOSED 250  dratimeg sent

Clutch w/ TheLovelessKitsune

Base Attack: 6
Clutch ID: 27771
Mom: Kimi

Dad: Sprig

13. Ralts/Sprigatito - Cross - Female - Gifted to Kuchiyami  sent

14. Sprigatito - Fairy Fusion - Female - MINE <3 sent

Image size
2200x2200px 1.47 MB
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lollypopcandy2's avatar

Can I please have number 3?