coonotafoo on DeviantArt

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coonotafoo's avatar

Follow me into the forest, as furry as you are!



Well just playing with the ideas with backgrounds and different lighting. I'm sad to say that background took me about 2 hours! I do need practice. Also I was going for a more traditional looking digital...

So I while age I decided that Attakai Sekkusu should glow in the dark, if she chooses to do so, and I finally got around to showing it in a piece. Also a Long while ago I decided that she had stripes on her back, but I always forgot to put it, or though it wouldn't show up on the given perspective...
Image size
1200x800px 418.32 KB
© 2014 - 2024 coonotafoo
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Foxofwonders's avatar
If I'd ever try out digital art, I'd probably try to make it look traditional too. I wonder what's the best method. Surely adding a texture would help, but there must be other techniques. If you discover something interesting, would you like to share that with us? :)