Cool Story, Bro! I thought I'd take the time to make a couple things clear for all Trolls/Aspiring Trolls/Gypsies.
1. What is a Troll?
The Internet term troll is said to have originated in the 1980's, but the earliest recorded usage of the term is in 1991 on Usenet. It is based off of Scandinavian Mythology, where the Troll is an obnoxious creature whose goal is to be mischievous. Internet Trolls cause lulz and distress to White Knights, Attention Whores, Twitards, Emos, Other Trolls, and Tom Cruise. True story.
2. lol how do i trolled good?
lol i dunno
3. What is a White Knight?
White Knights are essentially Trolls to the Trolls in def