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Nic Fouts
0 Watchers10 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
My Bio

I specialize in digital art but like to dabble in the physical realm every once in a while. These adventures generally involve the destruction of something to create the thing I envision so they are quite fun.

Current Residence: Madison
Favourite genre of music: I like almost everything.
Wallpaper of choice: custom (mine)

Favourite Visual Artist
Lis Bokt is an inspiration in many ways
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
10 Years, Disturbed, Godsmack, Seether, Staind
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
My computers: Terix, Ziva, Que, and Lyris
Other Interests
Computers, Trucks, Engineering
The last several years have been home to a monumental explosion of web services geared toward artwork.  Because of that, my art has fractured among them all (or most of them anyway).  Even my own collection doesn't include a cohesive gathering of all my work.  It's spread across multiple computers and hard drives.  (That's just the digital stuff.  The physical, rightfully so, is in various places.)  I don't like this fact.  I'd like to have a place where I can go and say, "this is what I've done."  I kind of hope that DA can become that place since it was the first online service I used to get into my art.  I've never been particularly goo...
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Calendar Redux

0 min read
I probably should have began this process long ago (like maybe in January!), but I'm currently working on tweaking the images for Olas I.  They were printed darker than I hoped for so some of the images lost their power (December for sure, but there are others).  I'm also thinking of starting on Olas II.  This one will likely be a white theme... or maybe a mixture?  I don't know.  I'm very partial to the dark backgrounds.
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I submitted the calendar last night (early this morning, probably).  It's called "Olas I".  I'm happy with the way it turned out.  I wound up changing a couple of the images once I got them all assembled.  That one image that took over 24 hours to render just didn't fit with the feel of the collection, so I ripped it out.  The image on the front cover was supposed to be it's own month, but I didn't like the way it sat in the collection either.  But I think it turned out well as a front cover piece.So yea, "Olas I" is complete and looks great.  Go buy yourself one.
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Profile Comments 3

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Thanks for the :+fav: & welcome :D
Thanks for adding unity to your favorites

Molly : )