It's time for an anniversary. remember what game was I talking about exactly 10 parts back? Well it's about time to take a look at the sequel.MDK 2 continues where the previous game left off. Well kind of 'cause we didn't get a proper ending or even a stupid cliffhanger.
Luckily now the game also features a proper intro.After defeating the Streamriders' leader Gunta, our janitor-sniper hero Kurt is having a toast (maybe not as enthusiastically as you'd expect) along with his employer Dr. Fluke Hawkins and his 6-legged bipedal cybernetic canine assistant Max (even though he was named Bones in the prequel but you already know MDK runs on we...
Through the course of this journal series I was mostly talking about games that I liked and impressed me in a good way.
This time I decided to demonstrate how NOT to do things.Many nowadays players consider Crytek games the best first person shooters ever. I'd like to offer a second opinion on this.
Crytek is best known for their Far Cry and Crysis series. The supposed feature of these games is their ludicrously detailed graphics even though it's still far from realistic. In fact there will probably never be a CG indiscernible from real life, but that's not what I want to talk about.The thing is Crytek games traded gameplay for graphic det...
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away ... existed a galaxy but you don't really know how does it look now since it took millennia for that light to reach your eyes. Actually don't look into the outer space too enthusiastically. There lurks an atrocious horror somewhere.It is mostly black, has exposed ribcage, two sets of teeth one of which is retractable, acid for blood and requires a living host for its life cycle.With the help of 20th Century Fox mr. Giger managed to give us nightmares which will haunt us for the rest of our puny human lives.Fear not because there is also another horror to counter the previous one. This one is app. 2 ...