Leaving Hobby Sale!

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CookieMumBJD's avatar
Hey guys! Been a while but really that's because I am backing out of the hobby for the most part. I want to persue video gaming much MUCH more. heh But I will list things for sale here, so please contact me via email with questions: stutteringcrusader [@] hotmail [.] com

1. Feeple Celine Head w/ company face up- ASKING $150+shipping international, shipping included in the USA.
2. Luts Delf Shine w/ AngelToast faceup- ASKING $480+shipping
3. MNF NF Head- SOLD
4. MORE TO COME SOON... but I am debating on parting with my Feeple60 Chloe w/ Andreja faceup as well.

You can send me a DM here but I will respond much faster to an email or a DM on instagram: Cookiemum is my name there.

Thanks so much guys!
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TheDevilaAngel13's avatar
Aww it's sad that you are leaving :(, but you should definitely do the thing you love! Kao Emoji-04 (Cute) [V1]  I was wondering if you will sell all of your dolls?