Fairyland Order!

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CookieMumBJD's avatar
So... I was up at 4am this morning. My sis woke me up so we could both place our Fairyland orders. The Event items really was the deciding factor. F60 and MNF Soony heads. I made sure to order over $1000 to get it (my biggest dolly purchase ever btw). So both heads are coming home along with:

F60 Moe Celine w/ faceup and options hands.
Minifee Risse w/ faceup and an outfit.

*swoons* Honestly I love CP girls, I'm pretty sure my entire collection (except 2 Leeke Ariens) will be made by them. So soon...ish I will be going through my stuff and finding things to sell, clothes, wigs, etc. I won't be selling any dolls though, I love all my girls so much I couldn't part with a single one now. :) Yay for forever collections! lol

Anyone else participate?
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manda-j-panda's avatar
Congratulations to you both! I'm surprised you were awake enough at that hour to place your orders xD