cookie-zombie001's avatar


liger like a tiger
34 Watchers6 Deviations
  • United States
  • Deviant for 20 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
My Bio

Current Residence: phoenix, AZ --> santa barbara, CA
Favourite genre of music: all, ever, period
Favourite photographer: bah too many!
Favourite style of art: ALL
Operating System: I'm a sucker for the Mac Tiger!
MP3 player of choice: portable
Shell of choice: The big ones that make ocean noises
Wallpaper of choice: sweet thing that does realtime images of earth from space
Skin of choice: Mine
Favourite cartoon character: Again, y ask the questions with so many answers!?
Personal Quote: "your a gazelle of a c*nt Kristina..."

Favourite Visual Artist
depends, what kind? music? painting? tattooing?
Favourite Movies
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
dont even get me started...The sounds,junior boys,justin timberlake,fftl,KENNA,snow patrol,etc
Favourite Games
Morrowind TES, Duckhunt, Halo 1, 2 and 3
Favourite Gaming Platform
One that works
Tools of the Trade
Graphite, Acrylic Paint, Sharpie Markers, whatever is around me.... yea, pretty much anything...
Other Interests

I-I'm alive!

0 min read
after years of inactivity, I have returned!Now lets see how long it takes me to buy a scanner bahahahaha
anonymous's avatar
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0 min read
so I posted a few of my amature pics up tharrr, been a while since i've done that! lol well as i get better my pics'll suck less no worries hahapeace all
anonymous's avatar
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Ahaha mah lovely bitches I am on haitus no more! yes yes the cheering may begin now! lol ok ok maybe not but i can dream.So heres the big update....I AM BACK. And i actually have a computer now... well really its a $4,300 machine of death that wil choke me of any money i manage to scratch up for the next 40 years. buuuut all technicalities aside... I'll be starting anew! I'm not quite sure in what direction I'll be going, my style and tastes have changed so drastically these past years, I'm a photographer now but i am a bit of a media whore. I have a bad tendancy to hop from medium to medium like a deranged art warehouse serial killer rabb...
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Profile Comments 132

anonymous's avatar
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i enjoi your avatar^^
thanks for the watch and fav
WHAT THE HELL, another person stole your avatar AGAIN!
jeez... thanks kame... im getting tired of this, this is like the 4th person ive found since i made it... haha wow it must be good then huh?
Love your stuff cookie-zombie *feels weird calling you a zombie XD*
bah its true!!! see.... GRAAAAWR haha
O_O OMG iäm so sorry!

i didn't know it was someone's work!!!
my friend send the the icon by MSN one day.
waah i'm so sorry, my friend ddn't say it was someone's already .__.

i'll change it right away.
and i'm really sorry about it! O_O
didn't mean to steal it or anything.