CONSTELLATION-1017's avatar


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:iconpuffinstudios: I know you don't want to talk to me but at least hear me out just one talk that's all I'm asking.
Uh, I tried to submit my art to the "Star Trek Artwork" folder, but I can't figure out how--all it would let me select is the "Featured" folder--I'm sorry if I messed it up! :ashamed:
don't worry about it!
I'm kind of new at it myself.
All I did was drag the pictures from my page to the "drop pictures here" section for Constellation-1017 on the drop down bar.
You should see the drop down bar the moment you star to drag an image.
Sorry I can't be clearer.
I think part of the problem might have been that I was using a teeny-tiny mini-laptop, and maybe it didn't have space for that bar on the screen. Thank you!
do you want me to do that?
I don't know. Do you want me to do that? :)