The Amazing Spider-Man Venom Concept sketchConstantScribbles on DeviantArt

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The Amazing Spider-Man Venom Concept sketch



So you saw my Amazing Spider-Man Symbiote Spidey suit. Well here's my Venom. I kept him lithe yet still bulky and still looking quite monster-y. I gave him one of my favorite design pieces for Venom, the spine that kinda pops out. But I also took elements from the Spider-Man 3 Venom and the Amazing Spider-Man costume.

Think I should continue on this path?
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RexBlazer1's avatar
Great design, and very dynamic.

I'll be honest, like so many people, I'm sure, I was disappointed with they way they used Venom in Spider-Man 3. Venom had very little screen time in the movie, and, while the design was awesome, he did seem a little scrawny, and I wish they showed more of the monster face rather than wuss out and show more of Eddie Brock's. And speaking of Brock, I thought the character in the movie was kind of weak and a bit rushed. Does anyone else think so?