Families CoverConicer on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/conicer/art/Families-Cover-353032864Conicer

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Families Cover



This is a cover request done for Families by Darth Link 22 in collaboration with :iconbunnish: Bunnish. She did the linework for middle and bottom sets of pictures, and I did the linework for the top set, coloring, shading and special effects. Whew! This was a long one, both in the amount of time put in and in vertical distance, but it's worth it in the end. I've also found that addition mode works great for bloom, so woohoo! More techniques to assault one's eyes with!

"In the aftermath of the wedding, Spike is bitter and avoiding everyone. Twilight's determined to find out what's bothering her charge, but she walks a very fine line when dealing with an emotionally distraught child.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash suspects something's wrong with Scootaloo, so she starts spending more time with her in hopes of picking the secret from her brain. As she begins to truly mentor the young filly for the first time ever, she begins to see the advantages to having a little sister.

And while all this is going on, Pinkie is struggling with some old family issues that have been brought to the surface, meaning she might have to confront her past at last."
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1000x2400px 749.04 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Conicer
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spikerules64's avatar
This is one of the best fanfics ever:)