Favourite Movies
Silence of the Lambs (and all of its sequels/prequels), Silent Hill, Sinister (1&2), Deadpool, Warcraft . . .
Favourite Books
Anything by Edgar Allan Poe, Black Beauty, Where the Red Fern Grows, Of Mice and Men, and any other good pieces of poetry I find
Favourite Writers
If you want to woe me, quote anything from Edgar Allan Poe ;)))))))
Favourite Games
Fallout, WOW, Smite, SCP Containment Breach, Clue, Apples to Apples, Cards Against Humanity, Solitaire and chess (because my soul belongs to an old man)
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS4, or PC
Tools of the Trade
My words ;^)
Other Interests
Minding my goddamn business.