B-575 Byssus MelliculusComplacentFool on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/complacentfool/art/B-575-Byssus-Melliculus-475947135ComplacentFool

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B-575 Byssus Melliculus



** Purchased from :iconsashafras: **

Name: Byssus Melliculus

Meaning: "Sweet Cotton; Cotton Candy"

Nickname: Sweety, Cotton, Sus, Candy(only by those with a deathwish)

Type: Plains

Gender: Stallion

Personality: Byssus is a hot-tempered ball of fluff, but oddly enough he's not aggressive by any means. He's more gruff and stern than anything with a die-hard mindset to protect what's precious to him no matter the cost.

Phenotype: Cremello Tobiano Sabino Dun Jester Rictus

Genotype: ee/Aa/CrCr/nT/nSb/Dd/nJe/nRi

Rarity: 19

ID: B-575

Foal ref: www.deviantart.com/art/ID-B-57…

Original ref: www.deviantart.com/art/ID-B-57…

------------------------------------------ SSS: unknown
----------------- SS: unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: unknown
Sire: F-348 FHS Ignitas Solem
------------------------------------------ SDS: unknown
----------------- SD: unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DS: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: unknown
Dam: P-134 Nulla Latitudo Gutta
------------------------------------------ DDS: unknown
----------------- DD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: unknown

1. www.deviantart.com/art/B-821-G…
2. www.deviantart.com/art/B-1165-…
3. www.deviantart.com/art/B-1050-…
4. www.deviantart.com/art/226-OTT…
5. www.deviantart.com/art/B-1347-…
6. www.deviantart.com/art/B974-Ae…
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Yay! I'm about caught up with refs at long last!
Image size
2173x1861px 243.37 KB
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Cryptid--Corvid's avatar
Is he open for breeding?? o: