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Celestial Vintage Rainbows



Tutorial: Creating a Fantastic Fantasy Night Sky in Photoshop

Their outcome is better than mine and I'll probably rework this piece later but it's 'okay' for now ;)

:bulletblue::bulletpink::bulletpurple: Please fav if you download, thanks! :bulletpink::bulletpurple::bulletblue:
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1024x768px 718.69 KB
© 2009 - 2024 comotized
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I really like your image and I thought I would let you know that "Lost Adventurer" are having a competition on their facebook page _ look for "lost adventurers - bags luggage" and they are offering $500 or £300 for the winner with the most likes deadline is 1st Jan. The winner will have their image printed on cool laptop covers. All you need to do is be a fan and upload a image onto the wall and then share with your friends. I think your image is in a good chance of winning as i would buy a laptop with your photo on it.

Kind regards