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Pixelgami Ventures: Proto Man



After making Mega Man, I had to do his brother next. This model is a little sloppier than the others because the coloured pieces are mostly origami paper. Black and gray are easy to find in origami paper (in fact, I had a bunch lying around from old packs because I don't usually use them), but it's hard to get printer paper in those colours.

Sharp-eyed Mega Man fans will notice that I modified this sprite just a smidge. Proto Man's shield was gray in the NES games, not white, but after carrying it around myself in MM7 I can't see it in any other colour. (The scarf would also become yellow later, but I like it this way.) I left the white border off the scarf for a free-floating effect.

Other Pixelgami Ventures:
Mega Man
Guts Man
Image size
1500x1000px 187.19 KB
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