Commissions-Realm's avatar


Commissions, goodies, fanzines.
Years Ago

Group Admins








Category 1

Flag of United Kingdom English version:

Hello to you all my dear friends

Welcome into the group!

Here will be presented the rules of Commissions-Realm, which unlike indicated by its name, isn't only about commissions. The group activities and interests will also include fanzine, artbooks, sketchbooks, original works to sell, goodies, adoptables, prints etc...

As you can understand, Commission- Realm is here to promote everything artists have to sell.

This group has also been created with the goal of sharing various artists experiences in fields related to art (illustration, animation, comics). We will open various subjects and discussions about:

:bulletblue:From the artist's side: managing your artistic activity, how to start when you offer commissions, the pricing, the do and don't, tips on communicating with the customers, how to organise your work, explanations on the various legal aspects of your work, what is intellectual property and how to protect yours, the difference between buying a picture and the rights to it, etc...

:bulletblue:From the customer's side: how to introduce your request and your characters, how to deal with alterations on your requested piece, how to define the level of artistic freedom, how to deal with a ghost artist, how to avoid being scammed, and the various means of payment you can use.

We will also offer interviews  of Deviantart's patrons and seasoned artists that are willing to share their wisdom (or crazyness) and works with us.

We will show you our convention's discoveries  and favorites fanzines , being avid fans of such products.

To better protect both artists and customers we will do our very best to flag false customers or artist's accounts.

In teh eventuality of unacceptable behaviour such as a commission never delivered by an artist, or never paid by a customer, the culprit will be banned from the group. We require respect and professionalism from all our members. Disrespectful behaviour of any kind won't be tolerated here but we can't be held responsible for any dispute that may happen despites our efforts.

Never forget before commissioning to do your very best to check up the honesty and integrity of the artist.

:tutorialcat: And now, the group Rules (with a big R like Remember those or you will feel our Revenge!)

:bulletred:Rule 0:
Please be polite! It's not because your submission isn't accepted that it gives you the right to insult us. By submitting your art in the group, accept the risk to be rejected. Any rude member will be banned from the group immediatly.

:bulletred:Rule 1:

We accept everyone, our group aims at both artists and hobbyists interested in admiring or buying pretty art.

:bulletred:Rule 2

We won't accept any deviation with racist, homophobic, or any kind of belittling theme against any race, religion, age, sex, or gender.

:bulletred:Rule 3

We request a minimum level of quality for the deviations submitted in this group (Anatomy, perspective, construction and composition). We judge by piece and not by artist so don't be too disappointed if one piece doesn't make through our selection process and try again with another. If you're interested in knowing why we denied it, don't hesitate to ask and we will answer as quick as we can. Keep in mind, though, that this group isn't an art critic group, so our answers will be short and to the point.

Also please keep in mind that selection is inherently subjective and bound to the personal tastes of our administrators.

We accept furry, yaoi, yuri, but also heterosexual couple, cuddles, kisses, and tenderness of any kind!

:bulletred:Rule 4

We accept a maximum one deviation per month, per artist.

For "commission" to add the mention "commission" in your comment or in the title (thank you).

:bulletred:Rule 5

We are the ones picking the deviations we consider being the more worthy for the Featured gallery.

:bulletred:Rule 6

A quick explanation of our galleries system:

:bulletyellow:Commission Prices: as its name indicates, here you will find the prices charts of our artists. (either prices sheets or journals are accepted) limit: 1 deviation per month. :bulletyellow:Commission prices folder is closed !

:bulletblue:Traditional: all the commissions made with traditional tools (pen, watercolours, charcoal, chalks, etc)

:bulletblue:Digital: all the commissions realised exclusively on computer

:bulletblue:Mixed media: for commissions including both traditional and digital techniques (e.g. a traditional line, coloured under Photoshop)

:bulletblue:Line: all commissions of only the outlines of the drawing (may it be digital or traditional)

:bulletblue:Sketch: digital or traditional commission realised with a sketchy (but finished) aspect

:bulletblue:Sexy: any erotic (but not pornographic) commission. No visible intimate parts, nothing that could be considered against DA ToS.

:bulletblue:Chibi: any commission of character in chibi (super deformed) aspect

:bulletblue:Pixel: animated or not commissions realised in pixels

:bulletblue:Adoptables: any chara design made to be sold in auction

:bulletblue:Shopping list: any by-product price list / VPC (Fanzine, sketchbooks, artbooks, postcards, key rings, badges, etc) sold either online or during conventions.

:bulletblue:Goodies - Artisan Crafts: every products (prints, postcards, key rings, badges, mug, jewels, artisan crafts, etc) you sell or create.

:bulletblue:Fanzine: for all the books, sketchbooks, artbooks, comics, etc you're publishing

:bulletblue:Originals: traditional drawing not realised for a commission but that you plan to sell.

:bulletblue:Toolbox:  Toolbox for all the things commissions related (stamps, templates, etc.) Only administrators can add deviations in this gallery but if you have any ideas, don't hesitate to contact us.

:bulletred:Rule 7

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact any of the co founders of our group.

Again, welcome to Commissions-Realm!

:happybounce:   :happybounce:   :happybounce:

Flag of France French version:

Chers amis bonjour!!!

Bienvenue dans le groupe.

Je vous présente (enfin) les règles de Commissions-Realm, qui, contrairement à ce que son nom indique, est un groupe qui ne concerne pas que les commissions. Effectivement, l'activité du groupe englobe aussi les fanzines, les artbooks, sketchbooks, les originaux, les goodies, etc.

Vous l'avez donc compris, Commission realm est là pour promouvoir tout ce que les artistes ont de beau à vous vendre.

Le groupe a également été créé dans le but de partager les expériences de différents artistes dans des domaines connexes (illustration, BD, animation, etc).

Nous ouvrirons plusieurs journaux participatifs sur des thèmes qui peuvent vous intéresser comme :

:bulletblue:Du côté artiste : La gestion de son activité d'artiste, comment débuter en commissions, quel prix donner à ses services, comment communiquer avec les clients, comment s'organiser pour gérer son travail, quelques explications sur les différents status légaux, qu'est ce que la propriété intellectuelle, la différence entre acheter une image et acheter ses droits d'exploitations, etc.

:bulletblue:Du côté client : Comment gérer les retouches sur votre achat, comment présenter sa requête, comment présenter ses personnages, quels degrés de liberté laisser à l'artiste, comment gérer un artiste fantôme, les différents moyens de paiement, etc.

Nous effectuerons également des interviews de mécènes de deviantart ou d'artistes aguerris voulant partager leur sagesse (ou leur folie, au choix) et leurs univers.

Nous partagerons également nos coups de :heart:fanzines, ou de convention étant nous même grandes consommatrices de sketchbooks en tout genre.

Dans un but de protection de l'artiste et du client, dans la mesure du possible, nous essaierons de signaler les faux comptes clients ou artistes.

En cas de comportement inadmissible (non rendu de commission ou défaut de paiement, etc.) nous nous verrions dans l'obligation de retirer ladite personne du groupe. Nous demandons du respect et du professionnalisme de la part de nos membres. Nous ne pourrions être tenus responsables en cas de litige.

Mais n'oubliez pas, avant de commissioner quelqu'un ou d'être commissioné,  de se renseigner sur l'honnêteté de votre interlocuteur dans la mesure du possible.

:tutorialcat:Et sans plus attendre, les Règles du groupe :

:bulletred:Règle 0
Soyez polis ! Ce n'est pas parce que votre déviation a été refusée que ça vous donne le droit de nous insulter. En soumettant vos dessins dans le groupe, vous prenez le risque qu'ils soient rejetés. Quelle que soit l'excuse, si un membre du groupe est insultant envers les administrateurs, il sera banni sans sommation.

:bulletred:Règle 1

Nous acceptons tous membre, le groupe visant à la fois les artistes mais aussi tous les amateurs qui veulent voir ou acheter de belles choses.

:bulletred:Règle 2

Nous n'acceptons aucune déviation comprenant des thèmes racistes, antisémites, homophobes ou toute autre forme d'atteinte à la dignité humaine.

:bulletred:Règle 3

Nous requérons un minimum de niveau pour les deviations postées dans le groupe (soin apporté à l'anatomie, la perspective, la construction et la composition). Sachant que l'on juge au cas par cas et non par artiste, donc, si vous vous faites refuser une fois sur un dessin, n'hésitez pas à retenter votre chance sur un nouveau dessin. Si vous voulez connaître les raisons de notre refus, demandez-nous, nous répondrons aussi vite que possible. Nous précisons également que ce groupe n'est pas un groupe de critique d'art, nos explications iront donc à l'essentiel.

Merci de garder à l'esprit que toute forme de sélection opérée par le groupe reste avant tout subjective et n'engage que l'opinion des administrateurs.

Nous acceptons le fury, le yuri, le yaoi, mais aussi les couples hétéros et les bisous et les câlins!

:bulletred:Règle 4

Nous acceptons un maximum d'une deviation par mois et par personne.

Pour les "commission" rajouter la mention "commission" dans vos commentaire ou dans le titre (merci).

:bulletred:Règle 5

En ce qui concerne la galerie feature, nous choisissons ce qui nous semble le meilleur parmi ce qui a été posté.

:bulletred:Règle 6

Un rapide résumé des galeries en dehors du featured :

:bulletyellow: Commission price : grille tarifaire de vos commissions (nous acceptons aussi bien les journaux que les infographies) limit : 1 deviation par mois. :bulletyellow:Le dossier des "Commission prices" est fermé

:bulletblue:Traditionnal : pour les commissions réalisées en dessin traditionnel (peinture, crayons de couleurs, aquarelle, fusain, etc).

:bulletblue:Digital : pour toutes les commissions entièrement réalisées par ordinateur.

:bulletblue:Mixed media : pour les commissions réalisées à la fois sur ordinateur et avec des moyens traditionnels (line en tradi et couleur sur photoshop par exemple).

:bulletblue:Line : commissions qui comprennent le tracé propre en tradi ou en digi (plume, feutre, Photoshop, etc).

:bulletblue:Sketch : commissions réalisées soit en digital, soit en tradi qui comprennent un aspect crayonné mais recherché.

:bulletblue:Sexy : commissions avec un aspect érotique mais pas pornographique (pas de gros plans, rien qui puisse porter atteinte à la dignité de l'être humain).

:bulletblue:Chibi : commissions de personnages en SD (super déformé).

:bulletblue:Pixel art : commissions animées ou non en pixels.

:bulletblue:Adoptables : chara design pour être vendu aux enchères.

:bulletblue:Shopping list : Liste des produits avec vos prix ou VPC  (fanzine, sketchbooks, cartes, badges, portes clés, etc) que vous vendez en convention ou par internet.

:bulletblue:Goodies - Artisan Crafts : Tous vos produits (impressions, cartes, badges, portes clés, mugs, bijoux, créations manuelles, etc) que vous vendez ou créez.

:bulletblue:Fanzine : pour tous les livres, sketchbooks, fanzines, artbooks, BD, etc que vous publiez.

:bulletblue:Originals : dessin traditionnel qui n'est pas réalisé dans le cadre d'une commande mais que vous destinez à la vente.

:bulletblue:Toolbox : boîte à outils pour tout ce qui tourne autour des commissions (templates, stamps, etc.). Cette galerie est gérée en interne mais si jamais vous avez des idées, n'hésitez pas à nous envoyer une note.

:bulletred:Règle 7

Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à en faire part aux co-fondateurs quels qu'ils soient.

:star:  THE RULES  :star: :thumb86364094: English version: Hello to you all my dear friends Welcome into the group! Here will be presented the rules of Commissions-Realm, which unlike indicated by its name, isn't only about commissions. The group activities and interests will also include fanzine, artbooks, sketchbooks, original works to sell, goodies, adoptables, prints etc... As you can understand, Commission- Realm is here to promote everything artists have to sell. This group has also been created with the goal of sharing various artists experiences in fields related to art (illustration, animation, comics). We will open various subje
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Comments 592

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Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
Please, submit your commissions to the gallery, no self promotion is allowed on our frontpage, THANK YOU.
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