Massospondylus carinatuscommander-salamander on DeviantArt

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commander-salamander's avatar

Massospondylus carinatus



"Massive Vertebra"
This delightful fellow with a pot gut is a local to Late Triassic South Africa. And if you took a tape measure to him, he would be about 4 meters long.
His cousin was the mightily Plateosaurus. Just in case you wanted to know.
Massospondylus had quite large 'hands' which were equipped with large claws, and woe betide any rival male or hungry predator that’s for sure! But don't worry folks most of the time they would have been used for pulling at branches and other mundane stuff.
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980x1330px 252.19 KB
© 2004 - 2025 commander-salamander
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Musquash's avatar
Nice job. Since I am just a dinosaur enthusiast and not a paleontologist I can't tell if this drawing is accurate or not so I have nothing to complain about.