Pleistocene Rancho La Brea Interactivecomixqueen on DeviantArt

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Pleistocene Rancho La Brea Interactive



This is my final for my Vector class; an interactive illustration! :la: Enjoy!!

The whole thing was inspired by Charles R. Knight's paintings, particularly this one. The Smilodon's pose I ripped from his very famous Smilodon painting as an homage to him. God, that man was awesome!

Anyways! Every animal in this piece has been found in the La Brea tar pits. We've got some dire wolves, a Smilodon, a teratorn, a pair of ground sloths, and some columbian mammoths in the background.
My sister :iconnekonotaishou: coached me on the animation for the Smilodon and the ground sloth that stands up. She also did the flies for me. Thanks sis! :D
My instructor also helped me with the tricky things, like making the clouds loop seamlessly, the clickability of the carcass, and moving the teratorn around.

This was SO much fun to do, and I can't wait to make another one! :excited:

Assets made in Adobe Illustrator CS6/CC and imported into Adobe Flash CS6

Sound effects are all from

Artwork © comixqueen 2013 do not copy, reference, alter, or redistribute without permission
Image size
800x600px 220.31 KB
© 2013 - 2025 comixqueen
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AimForrest's avatar
This is so cute and fun! I love the art style and the nice touch with the carcass!