A Princess of Psykron Christmas Story (Chapter 4) by CometColt, literature
A Princess of Psykron Christmas Story (Chapter 4)
“Krya? Krya?”
“Huh…?” Krya had only slept for 3 hours at most. Was it morning already? Krya slowly pried her eyes open and struggled to lift herself upright on the couch. She could see it was overcast but still a bit light outside from the obscured sun. A cascade of snowflakes gently floated down, which wasn’t unusual for winter in Minnesota. Or Psykron for that matter.
“Merry Christmas, Krya!”
Krya yawned and looked to see Tucker with a big smile on his face, offering her a tub of peppermint ice cream. She smiled a little herself as she took the ice cream. “Thank you, Tucker.”
Tucker smiled bigger. “Or should I say, Aavlo Za-Zlar!” he said in Krya’s native language. He gave Krya a figure with a Christmas bow on it. 6 inches long, the figure was white and feminine with solid blue eyes, a blue headdress, and blue markings that flowed across the arms and legs.
Krya gasped softly, and her purple eyes widened. “Is that…?”
“Yep, it’s one of those ‘Vranla’ figures you told me about.
A Princess of Psykron Christmas Story (Chapter 3) by CometColt, literature
A Princess of Psykron Christmas Story (Chapter 3)
J-3V had told Krya that her best chance of finding the Olympus figure for Tucker was at a local toy store called Here Be Toys.
Before Krya entered the store that evening, she secretly activated her human disguise as Kathy Vona so as not to attract any unwanted attention to herself. By pressing the button in the middle of her antigravity belt, she could project a hologram of her more discrete persona. In this form, she appeared to have pale blue eyes and light brown hair worn in a ponytail. Her freckles and big round eyeglasses drew attention away from her facial features while her swirl-shaped earrings and space tattoos on her left arm gave her some individuality. Although her sleeveless top and form-fitting jeans were what humans considered much more “modest” than her usual bikini-like outfit, they still accentuated her womanly curves.
Similarly, J-3V adjusted its outer exterior into a portable form, looking less like a conspicuous floating alien robot and more like a smartphone