Lahdney (Final Design)CometColt on DeviantArt

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Lahdney (Final Design)



The final design for my comet princess character, now officially named Lahdney for a comic idea called "Hailey's Comet". Here some more information on her:

Height: 5'6
Weight: 121 lb.
Hair: Light blue
Eyes: Purple
Likes: her friends, her father, the cold, fruit, water, ice cream, helping people, cats, kittens, puppies, exploring, learning about Earth's culture
Dislikes: heat, fire, mice, spiders, people mean to her friends and/or putting them in danger, people disrespecting her

Lahdney is from the planet Opath, a planet 20 million light years from Earth that orbits on its side. Specifically, she is the princess of Psykron, the cold half of the planet facing away from its star; it is populated by icy "jungles", bizarre wildlife, and a cold-loving humanoid race with a spiritual culture, full control over ice, and little to no understanding of technology.

One day, Lahdney's father King M'Vom-Ko and his elderly oracle advisor were watching over the capital city of Vi-Kun'Al, while Lahdney was goofing off, having fun, and avoiding responsibility as usual. That is, until their arch-nemeses from the other side of Opath, the aggressive heat-loving Pyrhaks, attacked Vi-Kun'Al and laid siege on its citizens with their highly advanced technology. The Psykronian army held them off with their mastery of ice powers, but the Pyrhak king Rau'Zul ordered the use of a secretly developed super-weapon. This weapon released a giant fireball that exploded with massive force, devastating the city and wiping out the army along with plenty of civilians.

M'Vom-Ko reluctantly surrendered, allowing Rau'Zul to begin enslaving him and all other remaining Psykronians. But Lahdney flew up and escaped into space before his men could catch her. They gave pursuit in their battleships, signaling live footage to a monitor Rau'Zul presented to his slaves to happily show them how his men will kill the Psykronians' princess. After unsuccessfully trying to shoot Lahdney with their laser cannons, the Pyrhaks attempt to destroy her with their super-weapon. It locks onto Lahdney and is about to blast her with full force; but unbeknownst to all but herself, the oracle uses most of her power to summon a portal that will send Lahdney to a random planet (which turns out to be Earth) just before the fireball hits. The portal takes most of the blow and is destroyed, but the blast is still powerful enough to send Lahdney into a careening fall toward Earth. Thinking his men have successfully destroyed Lahdney, Rau'Zul proudly belittles and condemns the Psykronians, who are now mourning the loss of their only heir to the throne, leaving their king a broken man. Only the oracle knows that Lahdney is still alive, but she does not know where the princess is, nor does she reveal the latter's true fate, for fear of alerting Rau'Zul.

Meanwhile, Lahdney crash-lands into a frozen lake in the town of Hailey, Minnesota. After a mishap involving an interplanetary language barrier with an ice-fisher, the pyrophobic alien tries to attack him out of panic when he backs her into a tree with a torch. She instead hits the tree, which causes a branch to fall off and knock her unconscious. While the ice-fisher drives away, Lahdney is discovered by two geeky college roommates who previously thought she was a comet. They put her still unconscious body into their car and drive her back to their apartment to nurse her back to health. Scared & confused, Lahdney regains consciousness and is initially hostile toward the two geeks. She prepares to attack them, but finds she is too hungry and weak to do so. The roommates give Lahdney food and water, which she cautiously but graciously accepts. Afterwards, Lahdney feels that since the college students gave her food & shelter and that she has nowhere else to go, she decides to make herself at home in the apartment, unaware that her adventures were just beginning....

Lahdney initially felt no need to associate with a race so strange and alien to her when she first landed on Earth, and just wanted to go home. But as she grows more familiar with her new home & companions, does a few good deeds, and even defeats a major villain, her true nature soon surfaces. Lahdney is friendly and affectionate, if also naive and quirky due to her inexperience & alien background. She's curious and adventurous, being especially eager to learn about the ways of Earth. While more selfish and irresponsible back on her home planet, Lahdney soon becomes braver, more selfless and more responsible as she defends her new friends & home.

Like all Psykronians, Lahdney can generate ice and shape it into weapons, armor, etc. Her ice also grants her superhuman strength, which she typically focuses into giant ice fists or bludgeoning weapons; she can also push or lift any icy/frozen object that weighs as much as 20 tons, and she can freeze objects onto her skin; these can be removed later. She can also use cold energy beams and arctic air to attack and cool herself & others. Being Psykronian, Lahdney can tolerate temperatures between 50°F (10°C) and -300°F (-184°C). She's immune to cosmic radiation & highly resistant to nuclear radiation, and she can survive the vacuum of outer space. She can also heal & regenerate via water contact (her healing factor is 2x as fast & efficient as humans, and 50x as fast upon water contact), and she can drink both fresh & salt water with no ill effects, as Psykronian kidneys are much more powerful than humans'. In addition, she can fly really fast (20,000 mph in outer space and 2x the speed of a jet fighter in Earth's atmosphere in short bursts), and she has superhuman vision & hearing, above-average agility & stamina. However, she's intolerant of high heat and she needs to drink & absorb about 1-2 gallons of water a day to resuscitate herself.

Lahdney's real name translates to K'Vom-Sa; she's called Lahdney because she used the word around the two roommates, which they decided to call her. The word "lahdney" means "beautiful" in Psykronian. Even when learning English, Lahdney still speaks with a thick, exotic accent and struggles with pronounciating words.

Well, that's everything you need to know about Lahdney. I hope you enjoy this, because this took me forever to type. LOL
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ThatWyGuyOnTheRight's avatar
And what's her language like?