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ComeNozes's avatar

OC battle round 2



My round 2 battle for the 's OC contest.

Some remarks:
The "hard battle" that he said is here [link] Most competitors are saying "You're my oponent, let's get it over with once and for all!", but Claudius doesn't even know about this tornament, that's why he was caught by surprise. Now you already know the beast that lives inside of him, its personality doesn't dominate him completely, but makes him psychotic. I still don't know what the powers of the beast are, if it has any, that's why it didn't do anything Claudius couldn't do, only he wouldn't ever want to and I also want Claudius to fight without the help of the warriors in this tournament. If you've already read [link] and I wold really appreciate it if you had, you know what maggot I'm talking about and well, now he killed a human being and the maggot is developing itself, and a much stronger Claudius will rise (that, if I go to the next round, hehe).
On round 2, I intend to do something funnier and colored, but when I imagined this story, I pictured a more morbid atmosphere.

P.S.: Claudius loooooves bubble gum, so, never mess with his bubble gum.

Claudius belongs to me
Thorn (the syth) belong to
A.I. belongs to
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891x1979px 876.21 KB
© 2007 - 2025 ComeNozes
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