Webley MK VI RevolverComannderrX on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/comannderrx/art/Webley-MK-VI-Revolver-583260540ComannderrX

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Webley MK VI Revolver



country: great britian

year: 1915

weapon class: revolver

game: call of duty 2, forgotten hope 2, deadfall adventures, bioshock 2, Far Cry 4 (incorrectly called the MK IV) The Wrath Of Malachi, Indiana Jones (maybe)

caapacity: 6

ammo type: .455 Webley

Adopted in 1915, the Mk VI featured redesigned, more squared grips, a 6 inch (152 mm) barrel and removable front sights. Mark 6 revolvers were manufactured by Webley & Scott until 1921, later these were manufactured by Royal Small Arms Factory at Enfield Lock until 1926.
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menapia's avatar
Eventually replaced by the Enfield .38 which according to Granddad from his L.D.F. days was fit only for putting down rabid puppies.  In Ireland many officers held onto their own webleys or assorted other kit like Mauser C96's left over from the revolutionary years.