Thx for the Watch
Hey, quick question, where'd you source the block textures in your ship designs from?
it's tedious work, I take screenshots of each block and edit them to fit the grid I made. that's why I gave up on the floorplans, the blocks were being updated faster than I could keep up.
Hello, I'm not sure if you're even active here anymore but I wanted to thank you for the ship design template! I'm currently in a D&D campaign with friends and needed a ship design for my pirate goblin. Drawing it was out of my skillset so I thought building it in minecraft was the next best thing, and your template worked WONDERS! I added my own internal touches to get it about how I wanted her ship to look. thank you very much for the template and amazing designs, your work is incredible. here are a few screenshots of the final look of the ship 'The Rouenoire'.