How-to: Digimon's Tai GogglesColt-kun on DeviantArt

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How-to: Digimon's Tai Goggles



I'm doing a Digimon cosplay group with Bad Wolf Productions, and I'm cosplaying Tai. My problem was I could NOT find a pair of goggles that looked anything like his to save my life. One guy made them as commissions, but they were way too much money.

So I decided I had to make my own, and share a how-to. These are a PROP, and in no way are functional goggles.

Pictures of the costume to come!
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SailorRainbowStar's avatar
My cosplay ^ Your tutorial really helped me! Though i couldnt find white waterbottles, i found two hard plastic coffee mugs and had my dad cut an inch off the top. I gurilla glued the elastic to the rim of the cups and it suprisingly worked! Lol!