Adobe Creative Suite Iconscoloson on DeviantArt

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Adobe Creative Suite Icons



A set of replacement application icons based on Adobe’s Creative Suite. Three versions of each icon are included using the colors of the original CS3, CS4, and CS5 icons. CS3 features a white accent, CS4 a black accent, and CS5 a colored accent. Includes icns and png files at 512x512 pixels.

List of applications:
Acrobat, After Effects, AIR, Audition, Authorware, Bridge, Captivate, ColdFusion, ColdFusion Builder, Content Server, Contribute, Device Central, Director, Dreamweaver, Encore, Extension Manager, Fireworks, Flash Builder, Flash Catalyst, Flash Player, Flash Professional, Flex, FrameMaker, FreeHand, GoLive, Help Viewer, Illustrator, ImageReady, InCopy, InDesign, Lightroom, Media Encoder, Media Player, OnLocation, Pagemaker, Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Premiere Elements, Premiere Pro, Reader, RoboHelp, Shockwave Player, Soundbooth, Stock Photos, Ultra, Updater, Visual Communicator.

Some applications aren’t part of each Suite, but I included them for each set anyway. For example, ImageReady has been discontinued, but I created an icon in the style of each Suite.

I am not affiliated with or endorsed by Adobe. This is a fan-made iconset that is provided free for personal use only. Adobe, the Adobe logo and application names are the registered trademarks of and copyrighted by Adobe Systems Incorporated.
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