weekly featured 3

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ColorPhotographers's avatar
it's friday so I've got a lot of amazing photos for you

Borat, the puppy by kraahlix Poiana in attesa by SuperYoghi
Tulips ... by iliushka :thumb309771706:
Karolewko v13 by wiwc Manya by Kshsha
The Grump by tanikel Rainy Day by Dridon
Coco by Lyalta Ara 2 by DigitPhil
Higher ground by klapouch Eilat_Israel by Lior-Art
10 Minutes by matthewfoxxphotos Farewell Warmia 1 by theheartless
Hennessy by Louliepoops White dragon by klapouch
So flutter through the sky. by head-in-the-cloud By the river by RavenNightWish
Coffee cup home by squareprismish Dappled Green Shelter by d-igitalsuicide
L'il Derp: My Head Fits Through Here by basseca Northern cardinal - female by MichelLalonde
Cedar Waxwing by sgt-slaughter May I Help You? by cheslah
A black sheep by RevelloDrive1630 mad enough by irremedios
untitled by H1tori :thumb309315963:
Stories to tell... by emeraldeyesx3 Le Rondini by klapouch
Girl on tree by rusrainbow :thumb308888666:
October Sky by RevelloDrive1630
Harbor Sunset by SongOfAwakening :thumb308965425:
Sleeping Coco by Lyalta On the beach--,. by burcyna
Chin Wag by jay-k-pics New Life by NXcamera
Wind of change. by MelcieLerua Sophie 2 by EllelouiseUK
:Clarity: by cichutko Le Mont St Michel2 le Gue de l'epine Manche France by hubert61
Moss by ADAMKH99
Mouettes. by Tooga Ceci n'est pas une pipe. by Tooga
Toronto's City Hall by moe0 1 O'clock, 2 o'clock, Fs Rock by eddiethink
Poppy Version 2 by FrancescaDelfino Sunset before the summer rain! by iliushka
Rise up by AljoschaThielen Le Mont Saint Michel Place Carnot Avranche1 Manche by hubert61
Saarstrasse by RevelloDrive1630
cat five by ncavee Venice 02 by EllelouiseUK
foal sleeping by imtl Port Blanc by YunaHeileen

in this friday artists of the week are... :

:iconbasseca: -you should check his amazing photos from concerts and i absolutely love photos of his beautiful ginger cat -Peanut! :aww:

:iconmichellalonde: - totally amazing animals photographer look at his photos of birds - I'm stunned :heart:

:iconmatthewfoxxphotos: - i can tell you this is one of my favorite artists of these which I met on dA
I love his photos, wonderful colors, good eye for people, interesting perspective
every photo is different, unique check his gallery! :aww:

enjoy your weekend
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Dridon's avatar
I wanted to thank you for featuring my work! Really appreciated! I feel honored!