The Avangers ColorsColoristKamui on DeviantArt

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ColoristKamui's avatar

The Avangers Colors



Here is a color form a an artist I like very much, Alvinlee [link] , I really don't know the colors of the girl in the second panel, is someone knows I appreciate if you let me know, here is the link of the original lines [link] , the art is amazing and easy to color.

Este es un color de un artista que me gusta mucho Alvinlee [link] , realmente no sé cómo son los colores de la chica en el segundo panel, pero si alguien sabe apreciaría que me dijera, aquí está el link al arte original [link] , el arte es sorprendente y fácil de colorear.
Image size
4698x3138px 12.1 MB
© 2010 - 2024 ColoristKamui
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GregoryKrazed's avatar
Absolutely you do commissions as well...if so what are your rates??? I have a few images that need your awesomeness...if you like you can also browse my most recent works to see if my style is something you wouldn't mind putting your signature on...thanks in advance