A Busy Street - 10K Pageviews special - [PIRL]colorfulBrony on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/colorfulbrony/art/A-Busy-Street-10K-Pageviews-special-PIRL-390979149colorfulBrony

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colorfulBrony's avatar

A Busy Street - 10K Pageviews special - [PIRL]



Well I am still missing a bit to hit the 10k, but since I worked the entire day on the picture (and a small bit of yesterday) I just want to get it out there as quickly as possible :D, once I hit the 10k therw ill be a journal as well, so stay tuned :D
Since there are so many ponies on this picture, I am totally aware, that there are not only a few mistakes regarding skaling, shading and stuff like that, I did my best =P
For those who are intersted: 43 layers without shadows and 186 with shadows :D

The picture could have been finished earlier, but well I had to find the last missing pieces of the Master Emerald, sry gus but saving the world was a bit more important ^^
Ah yeah, adn finding Doug Ratmans hideouts, took some time, too ^^
While we are talking about it, I recently got interested in gaming myths and mysteries (I think a bt to late, but hell, better then never, right?) so I am pretty much a newb on that topic, so if you got osme cool ones, let me know :D Creepy pasta, Myths, mysteries, everything, preferably about Valve and Sega games but I guess other ones are fine too (like LoZ), but pls. no Pokémon, I know there is a lot of them, but since I didn't play any games in my childhood I don't know shit about Pokémon, sry guys ^^

Okay and now comes the tuff part, crediting :/
Here we go:
Twilight Sparkle by :iconlightf4lls: lightf4lls.deviantart.com/art/…
Rarity by :icontheponymuseum: theponymuseum.deviantart.com/a…
Sweetie Belle by :iconmactavish1996: mactavish1996.deviantart.com/a…
Applebloom by :iconfelix-kot: felix-kot.deviantart.com/art/I…
Scootaloo by :iconrobzombiefan2121: robzombiefan2121.deviantart.co…
Fluttershy by :iconthatguy1945: thatguy1945.deviantart.com/art…
Rainbow Dash by :iconstabzor: stabzor.deviantart.com/art/Smu…
Mare Do Well by :iconmisterlolrus: misterlolrus.deviantart.com/ar…
Wonderbolts by :icond4svader: d4svader.deviantart.com/art/Wo…
Octavia by :iconkooner-cz: kooner-cz.deviantart.com/art/O…
Colgate by :iconbirthofthepheonix: birthofthepheonix.deviantart.c…
Hidan-Pie by :iconrandomlywhimsical: randomlywhimsical.deviantart.c…
Bon Bon by :iconsilentmatten: silentmatten.deviantart.com/ar…
Lyra by :iconpirill-poveniy: pirill-poveniy.deviantart.com/…
Doctor Whooves by :iconchainchomp2: mlp-vectorclub.deviantart.com/…
Ditzy Doo by :iconnabbiekitty: nabbiekitty.deviantart.com/art…
Braeburn by :icond4svader: mlp-vectorclub.deviantart.com/…
Big Macintosh by :iconmaxmontezuma: mlp-vectorclub.deviantart.com/…
Trixie by :iconyanoda: yanoda.deviantart.com/art/The-…
Guard by :iconmasterrottweiler: masterrottweiler.deviantart.co…
Owl by :iconcooltomorrowkid: cooltomorrowkid.deviantart.com…
Discord by :iconc-h-loboguerrero-c: www.deviantart.com/art/discord…
Pipsqueak by :iconmidnight--blitz: midnight--blitz.deviantart.com…
Bucket by :iconfureox: fureox.deviantart.com/art/Empt…
Pinkie Pie, Zecora and Vinyl scratch by :iconsulyo: sulyo.deviantart.com/art/Pinki… sulyo.deviantart.com/art/Badas… sulyo.deviantart.com/art/Metal… <- check this guy out, he is awesome :D

Dawmn, finally done :dummy: credeting was probably more work then the picture :D
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2560x1920px 6.13 MB
© 2013 - 2025 colorfulBrony
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KatDrummer's avatar
i have a challenge for you all, try and spot the hurricane guard in the picture.